Aboriginal Organizations
Okanagan Indian Band

Part of the Okanagan Nation Alliance, the Okanagan Indian Band is located near Vernon BC. http://www.okib.ca/index.php
The Kitasoo/Xai’xais Nation

”Klemtu is a small village on Swindle Island, situated on the province’s spectacularly beautiful central coast. Two distinct tribal organizations live here: the Kita...
Nuxalk Nation

Traditional territory surrounds Bella Coola, on B.C.’s central coast. See a map here: http://www.nuxalk.net/html/maps.htm
Métis National Council

The Métis National Council is the national representative of the Métis Nation in Canada. The Métis National Council was established in 1983, following recognition of the Métis a...
Nisga’a Nation

Nisga’a history, details of their treaty, economic opportunities in the region, relevant news and more make up this impressive website. http://www.nisgaalisims.ca 
Nunavut Planning Commission

The NPC is one of the new organizations resulting from the 1993 Nunavut land claim settlement. The NPC will work with government to establish broad planning policies, objectives...
Treaty 7 Tribal Council

The Treaty 7 Tribal Council Home Page. Contains detailed information on Treaty 7 (1877) and the current activities of the Council. This organization was Canada’s first Fir...
The Union of British Columbia Indian ...

UBCIC has an extensive web site featuring their research department, publications, conferences, suggest links, general information on events in First Nation communities and much...
Council for the Advancement of Native...

Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers (CANDO), is Aboriginal-controlled, community-based and membership driven, and is directed by a national regionally rep...
Inuit Circumpolar Conference

The Inuit Circumpolar Conference is an international non-governmental organization representing the Inuit of Greenland, Canada, Alaska, and Chukotka (Russia). This site discusse...
Inuit Tapirisat of Canada

Since its establishment in 1971, ITC as the national voice for the Inuit of Canada has broadened its aims and objectives in response to the changing social, economic and politic...
Aboriginal Multi-Media Society

The Aboriginal Multi-Media Society is an independent Aboriginal communications organization committed to facilitating the exchange of information reflecting Aboriginal culture t...
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