A Guide to British Columbia Aborigina...

This pdf is a contact guide to a wide variety of British Columbia Aboriginal Organisations and Services. Published by the B.C. Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliatio...
First Nation Information Project

This site, managed by www.johnco.com, is a guide to First Nation organisations, governments, businesses and links across Canada. http://www.johnco.com/firstnat/
Bill’s Aboriginal Links/The Big...

This site houses a very comprehensive list of Canadian and American aboriginal links. http://www.bloorstreet.com/300block/aborcan.htm
Native American Indian Resources

A ‘metasite’ containing a collection of over 300 links to Native-related sites. Broad categories include: Native maps, stories, environmental concerns, education, ar...
Government of British Columbia

This is the homepage for the B.C. Government. You will find links to Ministries, Crown Corporations, employees and a search engine. http://www.gov.bc.ca/
Government of Canada

The homepage for the Government of Canada. http://www.canada.gc.ca/
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

The official website of the government organization. Contains information on the department’s mandate, policies, programs and activities, with news briefs on recent treaty...
Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and ...

The Ministry’s website contains a discussion of the treaty process, information on all First Nations groups in BC, a number of on-line publications, answers to frequently asked ...
Natural Resources Canada

This site contains a number of on-line databases, including the National Forestry Database, the Canadian Forestry Researchers Directory, GEOSCAN database (geology), etc. This si...
US Geological Survey Activities Relat...

This site highlights work done by the USGS with the American Indians and Alaska natives. The work focuses on the preservation of resources, restoration of various ecosystems, ed...
United States Fish and Wildlife Service

GIS data for wetlands and endangered species online; endangered species listings and descriptions. http://www.fws.gov/
Nisga’a Nation

Nisga’a history, details of their treaty, economic opportunities in the region, relevant news and more make up this impressive website. http://www.nisgaalisims.ca 
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