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November 16, 2005
ESRI Online GIS mapping tutorial
ESRI offers some free GIS training options: courses with free modules, courses, workshops, podcasts, and training seminars. See the ESRI Virtual Campus or the ESRI Training Gat&...
November 16, 2005
Digital Terrain Modelling and Mapping
Generate 3D Digital Terrain Maps using free digital elevation model (DEM) data from the USGS, NIMA, EOS-EDC, GLCF, World Wind, JPL and other sources. Learn to render th...
November 16, 2005
Fisheries Inventory
Fish and fish habitat inventories provide information about fish distribution, population status, and about the condition and capability of supporting habi...
November 16, 2005
NRCan’s Tutorial: Fundamentals ...
The Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation (formerly Canada Centre for Remote Sensing) is pleased to offer this tutorial on remote sensing technology and its applicatio...
November 16, 2005
Overview of the LandSat System
A U.S. Geological Survey Factsheet about the Landsat Program: The Landsat Program is a joint effort of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and theNational Aeronautics and Space ...
November 16, 2005
Overview of Using a Map and Compass
A Fact Sheet about how to navigate using a map and compass from the U.S. Geological Survey:
November 16, 2005
Overview of Map Scales
A fact sheet produced by the U.S. Geological Survey about Map Scales:
November 16, 2005
BC MSRM ARC/INFO and ArcView Symbology
The BC Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management has developed its own set of ARC/INFO and ArcView display symbology for all data that it uses. This symbology is intended to b...
November 16, 2005
Giving the Land A Voice, Mapping Our ...
by Doug Aberley This is an excellent book, based on mapping techniques for a whole community or on a site level. It is the result of a series of workshops held in 1994 by Doug &...
November 16, 2005
Boundaries Of Home: Mapping For Local...
Edited by Doug Aberley Fifteen contributors to Boundaries of Home introduce a wide range of home-grown, creative maps that show more than roads and political boundaries. Using &...
November 16, 2005
Putting TEK into Action: Mapping the ...
By Caron Olive, Ph.D. and David Carruthers, M.S.c.Ecotrust Canada Mapping Office, 202-1226 Hamilton St. Vancouver, BC V6B 2S8 Please note: this is a draft! Th…
November 16, 2005
Co-Management, Negotiation, Litigatio...
Brian Thom and Kevin Washbrook Paper Prepared for the Annual Meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology, held in Seattle Washington, March 1997.