BC Government Agencies
Clayoquot Sound Scientific Panel : GI...

This directory contains data that was collected by the Province of British Columbia as part of the implementation of the Scientific Panel’s recommendations for Sustainable...
BC Internet Mapping Sites

Public Mapping Sites Web Services: For details about web services, see: http://openmaps.gov.bc.ca. Contents:
Strategic Land Use Plans (LRMPs and S...

From the Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB) in the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. Land and Resource Management Plans (LRMPs) and Regional Land Use Plans:
BC Geographical Names

Integrated Land Management Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands presents this on-line forms-based interface to let you query the database of the BC Geographical Names...
BC Oil and Gas Commission

The purposes of the OGC, outlined in Section 3 of the Oil and Gas Commission Act, are briefly summarized as follows:
Integrated Land and Resource Registry...

The ILRR provides a single source of reliable information on 250 different legal interests on Crown land (tenures, regulated uses, land and resource use restrictions, and reserv...
Coastal Resource Information Manageme...

The British Columbia Coastal Resource Information System is an internet based interactive map for viewing coastal and marine data. A wide variety of coast and marine resources...
GeoBC – BC’s Geographic ...

GeoBC provides a window to data and information sources provided by various ministries and agencies from the Natural Resource Sector within the British Columbia Provincial Gover...
BC First Nation Reserves and Statemen...

At the Treaty Negotiations ftp site, you can download pdfs of Band Locations, as well as Statement of Intent boundaries. There is also a link to both spatial datasets in .e00 fo...
Integrated Cadastral Information Society

The Integrated Cadastral Information Society (ICIS) is a partnership of British Columbia’s major utilities, provincial government ministries and crown corporations an...
Land and Resource Data Warehouse (LRDW)

The Land and Resource Data Warehouse (LRDW) is the corporate repository for integrated land, resource and geographic data that supports a variety of business requirem...
Habitat and Enhancement Branch –...

A number of Internet mapping applications which may be useful, including:
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