Examples of Mapping with Pastoralists-:
1. Texas A&M & USGS National Center for Earth Resources Observation and Science (USGS/EROS) have project “Enhancing the Livestock Early Warning System (LEWS) with NASA Earth-Sun Science data, GPS and RANET technologies:
One of the activities of the project is mapping seasonal migration patterns with GPS technology: In that project, they record movement patterns of pastoralists and their herds (demand for resources) in response to changing forage and water supply using GPS tracking technology(Geography-Southern Ethiopia & Northern Kenya)
2. AARNET at the International Livestock Research Institute – conducted a research on “Strategic migration among pastoralist communities of the Greater Horn of Africa in relation to available resources and prevalent constraints” (unpublished)
(Geography: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia)
3. University of Amsterdam (SOW VU) this year began a project using a remote tracking system to analyze pastoralists’ trekking routes in Afar region of Ethiopia
Nomadic patterns-Nomadic routes of pastoralists during the dry season-Pilot project with mobile GPS and remote tracking systems-Mobile GPS solar fed systems & Remote tracking with beacons (ARGOS) (Geography: Afar region Ethiopia)
4. Save the Children UK-Afar region of Ethiopia have conducted mapping seasonal migration patterns of pastoralists with GPS technology & PRA methodologies) (Geography: Afar region Ethiopia)
There is a lot of other interesting PGIS work going on in Ethiopia by Lay Volunteers International Association (LVIA) organization, under a USAID funded program Regional Enhanced Livelihoods in Pastoral Areas (RELPA).