Atlin Taku Framework Agreement

The Atlin Taku regions remains one of the only areas of the province yet to complete a land use plan. Land use plans increase certainty regarding resource conservation and use, and form the foundation for balanced solutions that meet economic, environmental, and social needs. With these mutual goals in mind, the Province, represented by the Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB), and the Taku River Tlingit First Nation (TRTFN) have undertaken a joint land use planning initiative in the Atlin Taku region.

Prior to initiating a plan, the ILMB and the TRTFN developed a “framework agreement” regarding protocols for land use planning in the Atlin Taku. The ILMB and the TRTFN commenced negotiations in January 2006, and on March 26th 2007, they signed a Framework Agreement for Shared Decision-Making Respecting Land Use and Wildlife Management. This agreement confirms the desire of both parties to undertake a land use plan and outlines the proposed scope, terms and conditions for jointly developing land use and wildlife management plans in the Atlin Taku region.

In July 2007 the Province initiated consultation with the community of Atlin, and with other stakeholders, on the contents of the draft Framework Agreement. Through this process, a strategy for community and stakeholder involvement in the land use planning process was developed. Both the ILMB and the TRTFN are committed to ensuring that local community members and stakeholders have meaningful opportunities to engage in the land use planning process.

The proposed planning area includes traditional territories of other First Nations, including the Tahltan, Carcross Tagish, and Teslin Tlingit First Nations. The Frame work Agreement acknowledges that these First Nations have interests in the planning area, and that British Columbia (BC) recognises the claims of other First Nations to aboriginal rights and title within the planning area. The TRTFN and BC will, jointly or individually, initiate discussions regarding land use with First Nations that have interestsin the planning area. These discussions will seek to identify mutually acceptable solutions to land use and wildlife management issues, and will be conducted in a manner that respects the relationships between and among BC and First Nations.

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