The International Cartographic Association (ICA) started the Working Group on Mapping Africa for Africa (WG on MAfA) in 2003 in response to the Mapping Africa for Africa initiative. Since then it has been working closely with the CODI-Geo Sub-committee to further the Durban Statement on Mapping Africa for Africa. The WG on MAfA has had a number of active and interested persons who have given voluntarily of their time and knowledge and I wish to thank them for this.
At the ICA meeting held in Moscow in August 2007 the Executive Committee of the ICA endorsed the continuation of the WG on MAfA and requested myself to chair this WG.
The purpose of this mail is to solicit members to serve on the WG on MAfA for the next term of office, namely until 2011. If you feel that you have any knowledge or resources that will be applicable to MAfA and have an interest in giving voluntarily of your time to serve on the WG then please let me know. Existing members are welcome to continue with their valuable support.
Most of the work of the WG will be by e-mail but there will be contact meetings held at convenient times, such as to co-incide with a conference where most members will be present. The Terms of Reference for the WG are:
1. To further the objectives of the Durban Statement on Mapping Africa for Africa;
2. To liaise with the Committee on Development Information (Geo-information) of the UN Economic Commission for Africa relating to Mapping Africa for Africa initiatives and projects;
3. To bring together experts in fields relevant to ICA to provide a voluntary advisory service to Mapping Africa for Africa initiatives and projects;
4. To promote Mapping Africa for Africa initiatives and projects at the international and regional level, including the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD).
As can be seen from these TORs that most of the contribution being sought from members is advisory and advocacy.
The WG has contributed to the work of the CODI-Geo WG on Fundamental Geo-spatial Datasets, with the publication of the "Determination of the Fundamental Geo-spatial Datasets for Africa" (see ) and the completion of the Inventory of Available Fundamental Geo-spatial Datasets in Africa and the Country Gap Analysis.
Dr D.G. Clarke
Chief Director: Surveys and Mapping
Mowbray, Cape Town
South Africa
Derek Clarke DClarke at
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