Title: Marine Analyst
Organization: Living Oceans Society
Reports to: Executive Director
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Term: Full-time starting February 2007
Closing Date for Applications: January 20th 2007
Role and Functional Responsibilities
The Marine Analyst is responsible for developing and conducting marine spatial analyses and GIS mapping that supports Living Oceans Society’s campaigns and projects. This includes protected areas design and analyses to be used in ecologically-based marine planning.
The Marine Analyst’s time is focused on developing and completing innovative spatial analyses that identify conservation issues and solutions on the coast of British Columbia, and obtaining and managing data. There are plans to increase the technical support for this position in the future; however the successful candidate will be someone who can work independently.
The Marine Analyst will work closely with Living Oceans Society staff to identify and/or recommend analyses that could support existing and new programs. Upon the completion of analysis and mapping projects, the Marine Analysts will be responsible for sharing the results with Living Oceans Society staff. At times, the Marine Analyst will also be responsible for presenting analyses results to partner organizations, the scientific community, and government decision makers.
Educational/Technical Requirements
- Post secondary education in science or resource management. A Masters Degree is preferred.
- An advanced diploma in Geographic Information Systems is preferred;
- Clearly demonstrated breadth and strength of skills in geographic information system technology including ArcInfo 9.0, with Spatial Analyst and Geostatistical Analyst Extensions, ArcView 3.2 with Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst, and ArcPress.
- A solid understanding of marine ecology, particularly of the NE Pacific;
- A solid understanding of protected area design theory is necessary, marine is preferred, and planning experience would be a further asset;
- Some familiarity with BC fisheries;
- Intermediate statistical skills;
- Ability to examine questions and data and develop a meaningful analysis that assists with Living Oceans Society programs;
- The ability to use MARXAN or the aptitude and interest in learning MARXAN
- The ability to work effectively as part of a collaborative team of scientists.
General Requirements
- Commitment to the Living Oceans Society mission and programs
- Ability to manage multiple projects and tasks simultaneously.
- Demonstrated ability to communicate with staff, partner organizations, scientific community, and government decision makers.
- Ability to work independently and conduct project work and team meetings by phone and other remote media;
- Excellent writing and presentation skills;
- Fearlessness, creativity, initiative and perseverance are pluses;
- Willingness to travel.
- Good team player, flexible work style, and excellent interpersonal skills.
For more information contact Jennifer Lash, 250-973-6580
To apply send your resume and references to:
Finn Canadensis
Executive Assistant
Living Oceans Society
Email: fcanadensis@livingoceans.org
Fax: 250-973-6581