Coast Sustainability Trust

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Trust Purpose             

The Coast Sustainability Trust (CST) was established in 2002 by the Province of British Columbia, to mitigate any adverse impacts arising from Land and Resources Management Plan (LRMP) land use planning decisions in the Central Coast, North Coast, and Queen Charlotte Islands. 

Trust Description

The CST is made up of two separate trust accounts.  The first is a Mitigation Account.  It is meant to provide assistance to workers and contractors that have been negatively impacted by government land use decisions related to the LRMP process.  The other is a Matching Funds Account.  Its purpose is to provide assistance to communities and First Nations that have been negatively impacted by the LRMP process, and to provide assistance to workers, contractors, communities and First Nations that may be negatively impacted by Ecosystem Based Management (EBM).

The CST started with $35,000,000, of which $25,000,000 was allocated to the Mitigation Account, and $10,000,000 to the Matching Funds Account.  If any money is left in the Mitigation Account on March 31, 2005, it will be transferred to the Matching Funds Account.

In order to access funds in the Mitigation Account, major licensees that lose access to fibre because of government land use decisions must submit a restructuring proposal to the Advisory Board.  The process is more fully described in the Guidelines.

In order to access funds in the Matching Funds Account, applicants are required to match funding sought through the CST on at least a 1:1 basis.  Matching funds must be similar in nature to those provided through the CST.  This requires that they be in the form of unencumbered cash contributions.  Secured loans or in kind contributions, for instance, would not count as matching funds.  The process is more fully described in the Community Matching Fund Guidelines.

    Contact Information

    Trustee: Eric van Soeren
    Address:  6705 London Drive, Delta BC  V4K 4W7
    Phone:  604-940-0850
    Fax:  604-940-0858
    General Information:

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