KIDS – Opensource Mapping Software


The Key Indicator Data System (KIDS) has been developed by the World Agriculture Information Centre (WAICENT) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

KIDS is a software framework that provides the ability to implement thematic information systems that collect, reference, visualize, exchange and disseminate statistical, survey and indicator data. Visualization is possible through tables, mapping, raster images and graphs. Basic GIS overlay and legend editing functions are available for non-GIS users.

KIDS was developed originally for the purpose of collecting, mapping and disseminating food insecurity and vulnerability indicators that are relevant to FIVIMS. The Asia FIVIMS information system, using the KIDS framework, allows the analysis and visual display of data collected at different levels of aggregation, and can help the monitoring and surveillance of the food and nutrition situation over time. Moreover, The software contributes to increased awareness of FIVIMS and improved food security information management and exchange at national, regional and international levels.

From its origin, the KIDS framework has subsequently been used to implement thematic information systems for the collection, monitoring and visualization of livestock production and health, transboundary animal diseases, agricultural land-use, global body mass index, food security and vulnerability, early warning, fisheries statistics, terrestrial ecosystems monitoring, plant genetic resources, country office information, field projects, nutrient response and is used in satellite imagery meteorological systems. The use and enhancement of the framework is healthfully expanding, with a new major version update coming into production September 2005.

KIDS is available in open-source, downloadable from the download tab on this site as well as from SourceForge. We look forward to your use and contribution of the product for all.


  • # KIDS is user-friendly mapping software that allows to collect, map and disseminate food insecurity and vulnerability indicators that are relevant to FIVIMS.
  • KIDS allows the analysis and visual display of data collected at different levels of aggregation and can help the monitoring and surveillance of the food and nutrition situation over time.
  • The system is 100% Java based and portable across Windows, MacIntosh, Linux and other Unix platforms. It has been tailored for FIVIMS requirements and may be modified as those requirements change or expand.
  • KIDS is not a Geographic Information System. It relies on GIS systems to provide its mapping layers and data providers for its data content.The software will allow the import and export of the major five GIS map formats (Atlas*GIS BNA, ESRI Arc/Info "ungenerated", ESRI Shapefile, IDRISI VEC, MapInfo MIF/MID). KIDS was designed to combine GIS maps with related data sets and to allow the analysis of information in any easy and efficient manner in stand-alone mode and over the Internet.

What are KIDS main functions?

  • Importing maps and associated datasets.
  • Displaying and mapping indicators
  • Creating databases which allow the monitoring of the different indicators across time as well as cross-county comparisons
  • Dissemination of data and maps
  • Analytical functions

What are the main advantages of KIDS over the traditional GIS mapping products?

  • It is user-friendly and accessible to non-GIS specialists
  • It is available free of charge
  • It is easily distributed in three forms:
    • KIDS Internet version will be accessible via the FIVIMS web page
    • KIDS downloadable version will be made available free of charge from the FIVIMS web page
    • KIDS CD-ROM version can be requested free of charge at the following address:

What are the main advantages of KIDS over the traditional GIS mapping products?

  • It is flexible and can be adapted to changing user requirements
  • It is an efficient tool to be used at different sub-national levels for the analysis and dissemination of food insecurity information
  • It contributes to the establishment and co-ordination of national FIVIMS
  • It increases food insecurity information exchange and collaboration between countries and FAO
  • It will be placed in Open Source Development (OSD) environment to capitalize on the open and free ideas and development resources around the World for its continued growth and usage.



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