The Community Mapping Network (CMN) was created to share a wealth of natural resource information and maps with communities in British Columbia, Canada.
Uses of Information
The CMN integrates data from many sources and makes it accessible through a user friendly mapping system. There are many uses of the information including:
- community planning
- storm water management
- habitat restoration & enhancement
- watershed planning
- development referrals
- impact assessment
- coastal planning
- research
- education and awareness
- emergency response
You may also learn about community mapping projects in other parts of the world including Japan, Mexico, Nepal and Indonesia using a map-based Project Directory.
The main objective of the CMN is to promote planning sustainable communities.
Many sensitive habitats such as urban and smaller rural watercourses, eelgrass beds, riparian areas and wetlands remain unknown, poorly understood, and suffer from impacts of human development.
Methods provided through CMN reflect a novel set of tools to explore and promote awareness of these habitats by mapping their location and inventorying their attributes. The awareness and commitment to local watercourses and other sensitive habitats is an important process created through co-operation of local communities, First Nations, municipalities, planners, and managers.
Community mapping methods comprise a set of tools and methods that can be used to help conserve fisheries, wildlife and aquatic habitat resources throughout British Columbia.