Since it began in 1990, the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation has proudly supported the efforts of Canadians who are dedicated to the well-being of our environment. Members can contribute to the fund, as well as become a member of the local Advisory Board and help recommend which projects are supported through the local Chapter. TD contributes $1million per year to the fund.
Funding Focus Areas:
- Protects and preserves the Canadian Environment
- Assists young Canadians in understanding and participating in Environmental activities in local communities
- Enhances cooperation among Environmental organizations
Eligibility Criteria:
- Organizations must be Canadian, using the funds in Canada.
- Organizations must be not-for-profit, with a Charitable Registration Number.
- Organizations must be able to provide a charitable
tax-receipt for the full amount of donation.
Each fund requires an application to be filled out detailing the nature of the project, and the organization or individual who is applying. Application forms are submitted on-line.