Integrated Land and Resource Registry...

The ILRR provides a single source of reliable information on 250 different legal interests on Crown land (tenures, regulated uses, land and resource use restrictions, and reserv...
Coastal Resource Information Manageme...

The British Columbia Coastal Resource Information System is an internet based interactive map for viewing coastal and marine data. A wide variety of coast and marine resources...
MORSE Initiative – Earth observ...
US Census release of TIGER/Line Shape...

Vector Map (VMap) Level 0

In a world of secrets and closed access to data, it comes as a pleasant surprise to discover that there is a huge quantity of data available to anyone, free of charge. This data...
Maps and GIS Resources: State of Oreg...
New information on Canada’s dra...

New editions of the Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island portions of the National Road Network were recently released. The datasets are available at the GeoBase We...
GeoBC – BC’s Geographic ...

GeoBC provides a window to data and information sources provided by various ministries and agencies from the Natural Resource Sector within the British Columbia Provincial Gover...
BC First Nation Reserves and Statemen...

At the Treaty Negotiations ftp site, you can download pdfs of Band Locations, as well as Statement of Intent boundaries. There is also a link to both spatial datasets in .e00 fo...
National Hydro Network update

GeoBase Secretariat, 615 Booth Street, Ottawa ON   K1A 0E9    613-947-7653 National Hydro N&#...
GeoBase Orthoimage 2005-2010 has arri...

GeoBase Secretariat, 615 Booth Street, Room 763, Ottawa ON  K1A 0E9
GeoBase News: The National Road Netwo...

On behalf of the Canadian Council of Geomatics (CCOG), the GeoBase Steering Committee is pleased to announce the first release of the National Road Network, editi...
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