Traditional Use Studies

The Methods category draws together information related to "How to" accomplish various mapping processes and tasks. Bioregional Mapping Cartographic ConcepR...
Mapping Traditional Knowledge: Digita...

Journal Title  – Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and GeovisualizationVolume 48, Issue 3, Page 189  – 199Issue Cover Dat...
Methodology of Collaborative Cultural...

ACT Brazil believes that the best path to safeguarding the environment and strengthening culture in native lands can be expressed as three processes: mapping, managing and prote...
New book on use and occupancy map sur...

”The land is our life. Without the land we can’t survive. It’s as simple as that.”-George Smith, Cree-Metis Trapper
BC Ministry of Forests and Range R...

Traditional Use Studies – no longer active. 
Chief Kerry’s Moose: a guideboo...

by Terry Tobias a guidebook to land use and occupancy mapping, research design and data collection
Alberta Aboriginal Relations: Traditi...

A Traditional Use Study can identify where Aboriginal people hunt, fish, and trap on public land. Information contained in a TUS can also inform resource management decision-mak...
Example TUS Information Sharing Agree...

The Lheidli T’enneh Nation have generously offered an example Information Sharing Agreement. Please note, you must be logged in to download the pdf document.
Example TUS Proposal from the Lheidli...

Introduction We are the Lheidli T’enneh.  Our name essentially translates to “people from where the rivers flow together.” The rivers referred to ar&...
Getting to USE in Traditional Use Stu...

Martin S. Weinstein M.S. Weinstein Consulting Services 108 Croteau Road Comox, British Columbia Canada V9M 2P8 A…
Sharing Information or Captured Herit...

Martin S. Weinstein M.S. Weinstein Consulting Services 108 Croteau Road Comox, British Columbia Canada V9M 2P8 Prepared for Crossing Bo&...
The Moose is Loose! – Comprehen...

The Moose is Loose! Comprehensive Research as a First Nation Research Strategy By Terry Tobias (November 6, 2000) Note: the full document can be downloaded at the bottom of R...
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